If we will allow the Divine, it's just busting to use us for Her/His/Its holy purpose, like a river bed yearning for a rainfall or a pollen laden flower, tingling in anticipation of a bee. The Beloved made each of us a unique vessel, designed to perfection to carry and share Love and Divine Inspiration in our own unique ways.
In this more than willing vessel known as “Jay Roma Lamb” poems are one of the ways this takes place, as well as sculpture and painting, playing music and doing haircuts.
Through many years of spiritual and meditative practice the avenues allowing the Flow of creative expression have opened and widened. This is very pleasing to me. Not only does it offer a great deal of pleasure but also the opportunity to share it’s fruits with you, which increases it even more.
It seems to go like this: relax, be quiet, learn to open, allow the Flow of Divine inspiration, relax, be quiet, open more, allow and enjoy the expansion, share it and allow more. Flowers do this, so do trees, bees and everything that hasn’t yet forgotten.
Writing these poems has been a beautiful (even if sometimes very challenging) experience . Sharing them with you makes it an even more beautiful experience. Thank you for being the next place Love can enjoy Itself.