God's Kissing Booth and Stalked by a Giggling God are available in both ebook and printed versions on Amazon. My next book: "A Book of Morsels" is in the works. Scroll for samples.

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Hello and welcome to my poetry. I truly hope you find inspiration, pleasure and solace in these words. They are gifts given to me to give to you. I have long been moved and amused by poets such as Rumi and Hafiz, this appreciation seems to have created within me an avenue that fills with somewhat similar feelings and words. I hope they inspire you to express yourself in your own loving and unique ways, it's a wonderful way to scrub off a few more silly ideas about who we "should" be and settle back into who and what we are.

A poem, every few days (or whenever one wants to be shared). Follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

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These books are for lovers of the Divine. They are an invitation, a welcoming into the quiet and the playfulness of All That Is, a place where you can cuddle up and get reacquainted with your beautiful heart.

For seekers of Truth it can seem that the Beloved is off in a mystical realm accessible only through deep meditation and prayer, but perhaps that’s not true. I don’t think She’s hiding. I think She’s doing everything She can to bring us Home, to wake us from our strange slumber and help us become aware of Her everywhere. What do you think all those lovey-dovey songs are about? How about those inspiring movies and books? What about wagging puppy tails and purring kitties? They’re breadcrumbs, fresh out of the Divine oven and She’s tossing them around like confetti, showing us the way Home.

Some of the breadcrumbs I encounter come as poetry, and like many things arriving from that sacred, beautiful space, they want to be shared.

If you like, think of these books as a quiet meeting place where you and the Divine can become a little more intimate, where the imagined separation dissolves for a time. Just you and your Beloved, sneaking off for some quiet time.

I thank the Divine in you, in me and in all of us for any and all breadcrumbs. May we recognize, savor and follow them Home.

Your loving matchmaker,

Jay Roma Lamb.

All words and art on this website copyright Jay Roma Lamb and Kissing Booth Books.